Instructor bios

Pilates Instructors at The Well during Sheetal's maternity leave: August - October, 2023

Cindy Basco
A Seattle native, Cindy worked her way down the west coast performing at regional theaters along the way. When she arrived in Los Angeles she took a Pilates class and fell in love with the Pilates method, exercise that was so challenging and yet so much fun.  After practicing Pilates for 5 years, noticing the changes in her body and realizing she was stronger and more flexible than ever, she realized she was passionate about sharing Pilates with others.  So in 2004, Cindy got her formal teaching certification from 2nd generation master teacher Jillian Hessel.  Pilates is truly for every body, regardless of age or level of fitness.  Joseph Pilates said it best, “physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.”

Cindy teaches Mondays and Thursdays from 4-7pm

Chris Ann Diaz
Born and raised in Southern California, the center of the Health and Fitness Capitol, has helped her take fitness seriously. She took interest in Pilates for its amazing benefits and has personally done Pilates for the past 17 years. 15 of those years as an instructor professionally trained through BASI, including  a certification in pre/post natal. She loves helping clients reach their goals and creating fun and challenging classes.

Chris teaches T/W/Th from 9-3pm


Mamie Thibodeau
Mamie moved to Los Angeles from the East Coast in 2015 for the sunshine and career opportunities.  She discovered Pilates in the early 2000s while looking for a new fitness regimen to add to her regular gym workouts.  She has grown to love the focus required in some of the more challenging moves and enjoys being pushed out of her comfort zone both physically and mentally. Mamie's style is a hybrid of more classical and athletic moves. With each private and each class, she strives to share her enthusiasm of Pilates with her clients. As an instructor, she embraces the mantra: “Pilates is all about progression, not perfection for both student and teacher”.

Mamie teaches Mondays from 10-1pm

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